22 July 2007

Why do 4kms when you do 5 ?

Coach told me I need to swim 4kms each and every weekend so I did - 5 actually.

Ave of 26 strokes per length. 1hr 40mins (20mins/km).

3rd km fine (75% done), 4th km ok and pushed on for a 5th km to sign off.

Felt good and focussed on stroke and relaxing. Bi-lateral breathing esp. left hand side coming along well as long as I take a long stroke and follow my arm...

I am def. becoming a swim bore !

11 July 2007

The training begins here (& hypoxic breathing)

Got my swimming programme so off I trotted with great enthusiasm on a wet n' windy Wellington night to my second home (aka. Freyberg Pool).

This is where the training really begins I thought to myself - milestones, commitment, dedication.

3.7kms - 1hr 25 mins. Least no google leakage this time !

Anyone heard of hypoxic breathing (i.e. no of strokes per breath ?) How does 6/8/10 strokes per breath sound ? I was puffing big time esp. on the 10s but kept my body position and felt more relaxed as a result. Is my coach crazy or does he really know what he's doing ?

Should end up with the lung capacity of Godzilla.

My hair feels like straw and my skin like a lizard. Ah the joys of swimming...

Note to self: make laminate training cards - water, chlorine and paper don't mix !

09 July 2007

History of Cook Strait swimmers


Googl'd this link which has an audio of Barrie Devonport being the first man to conquer Cook Strait in 1962. The audio is quite haunting esp. as you hear the motor of the pilot boat in the background.

It has some great links on other marathon swimmers.